
A 360 Approach to Sustainability

When it comes to Sustainability, we believe in a holistic perspective. Next to investing in preserving the Environment, we have a strong focus on supporting communities and their members while enabling long term economic growth. By incorporating our four pillars of Sustainability into everything we do, both internally and externally, we aim to lead by example and positively influence external stakeholders. 

Preserving the Environment

Through close collaboration with partners and suppliers, we aim to contribute to the decarbonisation of the car rental and mobility industry. Openly sharing information and insights plays a central role in improving the uptake of electric vehicles while safeguarding customer experience. 

By carefully managing our energy, waste, water and CO2 usage, fostering a sustainability mindset with our employees, and by partnering with local environmental action groups we enact the change we envision. 

Supporting our Community

At CarTrawler, we believe that relationships make the difference. Our impact on partners, suppliers, customers, employees, and local communities is at the forefront of every decision we make. We are committed to championing cohesion, honesty and equality through our processes, projects and products. 

Investing in People

Sustainability is often discussed on a macro level, however, we know that all change begins with the individual. To stimulate change we invest in personal growth, health, and wellbeing of people both internal and external to CarTrawler.

Enabling Sustainable Growth

For CarTrawler, sustainability and economic growth go hand in hand. By looking after people, their communities, and the environment they live in we are convinced we can drive value for partners, suppliers and customers and continue to do so in the future.