Reports & Insights

All Reports & Insights Mobility

Airport Lounges Are The Hottest Ticket

May 21, 2024

The latest IdeaWorksCompany report describes the economics of airport lounges and consumer fascination with these retreats.

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Airline Loyalty Becomes a Multi-Billion Dollar Club

Apr 16, 2024

The latest IdeaWorksCompany report explores big frequent flyer programs (FFPs), the economics of their co-branded credit cards, and the challenges facing loyalty.

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Branded Fares Dominate Ancillary Revenue for New Airlines All Over the World

Mar 20, 2024

CarTrawler analysis reviews the ancillary revenue strategies of seven new entrant airlines.

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Global Bag Fee Revenue Rises to $33.3 Billion

Feb 21, 2024

CarTrawler 2023 Global Estimate of Baggage Fee Revenue reveals 15% increase from 2022 figure of $29 billion.

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US Major Airlines Receive More Than $25 Billion in Ancillary Revenue from Co-Branded Cards

Jan 23, 2024

US major airlines netted 32% of global ancillary revenue and nearly 68% of frequent flyer and commission-based revenue.

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Premium Travel: The Upper Middle Class Seat Priced for the Upper Middle Class  

Dec 6, 2023

This report includes the results of 20 leading global network carriers regarding their long haul premium economy cabins.

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The CarTrawler Worldwide Estimate of Ancillary Revenue

Nov 1, 2023

Airline Ancillary Revenue Reaches Record $117.9 Billion Worldwide for 2023.

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The 2023 CarTrawler Yearbook of Ancillary Revenue

Sep 21, 2023

Download the industry’s most comprehensive guide to Ancillary Revenue now

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Airlines Assign Big Revenue Priority to Seat Selection

May 23, 2023

The report includes the results of booking queries conducted at six US airlines to sample the range of assigned seating fees.

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Global Baggage Fee Revenue Leaps to $29 Billion

Apr 18, 2023

CarTrawler 2022 Global Estimate of Baggage Fee Revenue reveals 39% increase from 2021 figure of $20.9 billion.

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